Five Reasons You’re Ready for a Rebrand - Why Your Brand Should Evolve over Time

Branding for businesses used to be heavily centred around visual design - a pretty brand identity paired with a brand mission statement was enough to build and grow a business. Over time as our online landscape has evolved, so have the needs and desires of our consumers. Now, brands must go beyond surface aesthetics and work harder to connect with their audiences at a much deeper level than just a ‘lovely logo’.

The last thing you want as a business owner is to have branding that is outdated, not reflective of your brand or simply not doing its job. So how do you know when it’s time for a rebrand? Let’s take a look at the key factors you need to consider: 

One / You’re not reaching your ideal customers.

You’ll know your branding isn’t saying what you want it to if you’re not getting enough of the clients you want, or you’re not attracting the right audience. Perhaps you keep getting enquiries from clients that aren’t right for you (you know, the ones who want your services for cheaper, who ghost you and basically give you alllll the red flags). This is a strong sign that your current  branding isn't effectively communicating your unique value proposition. A rebrand can help refine your messaging and visual identity, creating a much stronger emotional connection with those dreamy customers who value your services or products and are happy to pay your premium price tag. 

Two / Your audience has changed.

If your brand’s audience has changed (either by choice or by changes in the market) then it’s really important that your branding is talking to that new customer. Perhaps you’re a wedding photographer who has pivoted to family portraiture or perhaps your sector has undergone significant changes resulting in a different set of consumer expectations - either way, it's crucial that your branding resonates with your evolving market and their expectations, pain points and desires.

Three / Your business has changed.

If you’ve changed your offerings, direction, goals or values then your current branding won’t be fully in alignment and you’ll have a disconnect. I love to see brands grow and evolve but if your branding doesn’t evolve with you it won’t truly reflect the essence of your business and could confuse or even repel your audience. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level then it’s definitely time to consider a rebrand. After all, you wouldn't wear the same outfit to every occasion, would you?!

Four / You are not proud of your current branding.

Feeling embarrassed to direct potential clients to your website or feeling ashamed of your branding is a huge sign that you are ready to invest in a rebrand. You should feel proud and excited about your branding for it to be serving its purpose. If you don’t have confidence in your branding you can’t expect your dream clients to either. 

Five / Your branding is inconsistent. 

Maybe you only have a single logo or too many things going on at once -  multiple colour palettes, random imagery and too many font styles are confusing to customers and do not tell your brand story. Perhaps you DIY’d your brand when you were setting up - (which, even as a brand designer I fully support for a way to get a brand off the ground!) but now you want to take your brand to the next level, you need a much more strategic approach -  a mood-evoking colour palette, various logo marks and submarks that you can use on all your touchpoints and a fully formed brand strategy. Investing in professional branding at this stage will reap the rewards later down the line.

Updating your branding isn't just about aesthetics; it's a strategic move to make sure you are putting your brilliant business in the best light. If any of these points feel familiar to you, why not book in a complimentary call with me to see if I can help. I’ll take the time to capture your story and craft a cohesive and compelling brand design with strategy at the heart - your brand will be a true reflection of your passion and purpose. Let's create something truly magical together!


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