My Top Five Books for Women In Business

Need some inspiration for your bookshelf?

I've got you!

For me, learning and discovering is one of the most valuable skills to have in business. I'm very much a ‘if-I-don’t-know-how-to-do-this-I'll-jolly-well-find-out' kind of person, and this has lead to my love of educating myself in the form of devouring blogs, podcasts, books and magazines. 

I've put together the five books which have had the most impact on me in my years as a business owner. I hope you see something you've not read before and you can give it a go!

START WITH WHY - Simon Sinek

This is the book I recommend to everyone who has a business. Your brand story is one of the most important elements of your business and marketing and this book is an incredibly powerful guide to really digging deep into the ‘WHY’ of your business. 

INSIDE HER PRETTY LITTLE HEAD - J. Cunningham + P. Roberts

This is an absolute gem if your product is aimed at (or purchased by) women. It's a fascinating look into understanding how to connect with and market to women. It made me look again at marketing with a more ‘human’ edge. 

COMPANY OF ONE - Paul Jarvis

This is a recent read and really resonated with me after I closed Studio Seed to start Magic + Monroe. It's a fantastic book about ‘staying small’ in business and asking yourself “what can I do to make my business better rather than bigger”? 

MINDSET - Dr. Carol S. Dweck

While not necessarily a business book, I think this is an essential. Primarily focussing on ‘growth’ mindest over ‘fixed’ mindset to reach higher levels of achievement. A truly eye-opening read! (ps. click the image which links to a really inspiring TED talk from the author)


A framework for your marketing, this book encourages you to position. your customer as the ‘hero’ and your brand as the ‘guide’. Using storytelling to deeply connect with your customer - it's absolutely brilliant! It also comes with access to a digital ‘storybrand builder’ where you can work through all the stages. 

I'd absolutely love to hear your book recommendations - I love to add to my business library so please leave a comment to let me know your favourites!

Love, Tamsin x


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