How to Switch Off from Your Business on Holiday: A Guide for Female Entrepreneurs (and Myself!)

We've all been there – trying to enjoy a margarita in the sunshine when the dreaded email notification pings up on your phone. As a female business owner, switching off from work while on holiday can feel like an impossible task.  With clever mobile phones that let you run your business from anywhere, taking a break seems out of reach. But having a real break is crucial for your wellbeing and the health of your business.

To bring you the very best advice, I reached out to some wonderful fellow female founders community to gather their thoughts and tips on how we can truly switch off (or not) and enjoy our well-deserved holidays. Let’s go!

Remember why you started

For a lot of female founders (myself included), setting up our own businesses and working for ourselves was a choice made in order to have flexibility and to create a life we wanted. So, as business mentor and coach Alice says below, let’s make this work for us!

“My advice to anyone running their own business is to remember that they more than likely started their own business to give them the work life balance amongst other things!

So give yourself the permission to switch off (easier said than done), but isn’t that one of the perks for working for ourselves?  Remember your business isn’t going to fall apart, by you having a couple of weeks off a few times throughout the year!

Plan ahead: additional help and automation

Before your holiday, consider hiring additional help or delegating tasks to your team. If you have a team, distribute responsibilities so that each person knows their role during your absence.

For solo entrepreneurs, this might seem more daunting, but it’s absolutely doable. Consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle essential tasks. VAs can manage your emails, handle enquiries and keep your business running smoothly. Even if hiring isn’t an option, look into tools and software that can automate routine tasks, ensuring that your business remains functional while you're away.

I love tools like Planoly or Flodesk that can help me maintain a presence without requiring me to be online. Alternatively, you might choose to take a complete break from social media to fully disconnect - now there’s a scary thought!

“Switch off the push notifications on your phone from any work-related social media, your business email account and the gizillion networking groups you're in (whatsapp, telegram, circle I'm looking at you).

You can still access them, but on your own terms rather than being interrupted whilst you're soaking up the sunshine!

Doing this was an absolute game changer for me, I noticed the difference immediately, I literally felt my brain relax!!”

Set strict boundaries

If it feels possible, turning off notifications for emails and other work-related apps can make a huge difference in helping you relax and be present during your holiday.

Otherwise, create boundaries that work for you. Decide on specific times to check emails or messages (if absolutely necessary) and stick to them. The rest of the time, focus on being present, enjoying your holiday and the important stuff like upping your daily ice cream quota.

“Time off from your business is perfect for a digital detox.  Limit your screen time, (unless of course you are taking the obligatory hotdog legs photo from your sunlounger holding your sangria!)” - Alice the Business Coach

Your out-of-office is your new BFF

Your out-of-office message can help set clear expectations and let your customers know what’s going on. Craft a message that not only gives the facts about your absence but also directs clients to useful resources. Including links to your FAQ page or other helpful content can answer common questions and reduce the number of emails awaiting you when you return.

Kerry has a great hack which I will be stealing henceforth:

“I add an extra day to my out of office response so nobody expects to hear from me at 9am on my first day back, especially if I'm heading into a full day of clients when I return. It eases the pressure on my return and gives me time to catch up.” - Kerry Palmer from The Basement Snug

And, speaking of setting expectations:

“I always communicate with my clients in plenty of time too about any time off so they know when I won’t be contactable and this gives them time to brief anything they need before those dates and sets boundaries.” - Charlotte Ferris, Studio C

“I never really switch off. What I do is write down any ideas or thoughts I have work related in my phone to pick up on my return. I’ve found that being away from the day to day frees up my creative brain and I don’t fight that while I’m on holiday. I now embrace it!”

- Georgina Waterhouse, Dayze (Your guide for the 170+ dayze the kids aren’t in school!)

Leave the laptop at home

One of the most popular tips from the female founders I asked was to leave your laptop at home.

"I don’t want to be switched on in the sense of catching up on emails or cramming in extra work, so when I’m away on holiday, I personally don’t like to take my laptop with me. If it’s in reaching distance, there’s always the chance I’ll just ‘pop-on’ to do something that, in reality, could wait until I’m back at my desk." - Charlotte Ferris, Studio C

"I leave my laptop at home. Of course, most of my business can run from my phone, but leaving my laptop at home feels like a mental shift out of work mode and into family time."

Georgina from Dayze echoes this:

"I leave my laptop at home when I’m out with the kids for the day over the school summer holidays. Before, I used to take it with me in case of any last-minute briefs or emergencies, but it’s so nice not to carry it around as a reminder. I also try to only look at my phone a couple of times when I’m with the kids out and about. If I’m at home, I get lured into doing a few bits and pieces, and before I know it, an hour has passed!"

Leaving your laptop at home is a great step towards really disconnecting and enjoying your time away. It creates a clear boundary between work and fun, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your holiday and be present with your loved ones (and the molto importante Aperol spritzes).

Fill your cup: self-care

Taking a break and filling your cup is essential. A well-rested and rejuvenated you will be a better business owner. Enjoy your holiday and take time for self-care activities that make you happy and relaxed. And perhaps like Charlotte says below, taking the ‘business’ out of the picture will allow for much more creativity!

“The truth is, when you’re self-employed, it is pretty much impossible to switch off from your business. I find that when I do actively take time away from my business and have a change of scenery like going on holiday, it gives my brain chance to wander without the busyness of everyday business and my creative mind really comes to life. I see this as a positive as it means getting back to business feeling full of inspiration.”

Kerry Palmer from the Basement Snug agrees:

“As a small business owner, the lines between work and my life are definitely blurred for the most part. However, downtime is vital for all of us and I've learnt over the years that it really does make me better at running my business if I take time off more regularly.”

“Remember, you only get a finite number of holidays in your life. You won’t be remembered for how hard you worked but for the experiences you shared and the memories you created! Make the most of your time off and cherish these moments.” 

-Tamsin Rennie, founder of Monroe Creative

Work as passion: finding your balance

For some of us, work isn't just work – it's a passion. The joy of building something meaningful, the excitement of creating and problem-solving and the fulfilment of helping others can make it feel less like work and more like a calling.

If you love what you do, it might be natural to want to stay engaged even on holiday. The important thing is to find the right balance for you. On working all the time (even on holiday), Holly Tucker says:

And I truly believe it’s not work. It is my life. It is my full life. I’m living my fullest life. No one has work life balance, you know.  I don’t believe they have work life balance if they’re truly happy and have a purpose as a whole.

-Holly Tucker, speaking on High Performance Podcast
(thanks to Georgina at Dayze for sharing this gem!)

Wander often, wonder always…

Switching off from your business while on holiday is challenging but essential. By planning ahead, setting boundaries and prioritising self-care, you can truly enjoy your break and return refreshed and ready to take your business to new heights. Remember, your well-being is just as important as your business success. And if your work is your passion, find the balance that allows you to enjoy both your downtime and the work you love.

“You deserve a great holiday after all the sacrifices you’ve made to run a successful business. Enjoy the rewards of your hard work - grab your passport and your loved ones and head to the beach!” - Alice the Business Coach

I hope these tips help you disconnect and enjoy your holiday, you lucky thing! Do what feels right for you, and know that it's okay to carve out your own path. Bon voyage!

Do you have any other tips or experiences on switching off from work? I’d love you to share them in the comments below! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for more insights and advice.

Thank you so much to all the incredible female founders who contributed to this post!


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