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How to Define Your Ideal Client (and why it’s so important)

What is an Ideal Client?

Your Ideal Client, (also known as your Customer Avatar, Buyer Persona or Dreamy-McDreamface Customer!) is the customer who values your offerings, aligns with your values and is the person who is pretty much definitely going to buy your products or book your services. They are the people who are searching on Google for the products and services you offer, and because they are in harmony with what you do, your beliefs and vision, they will likely be a dream to work with and will become your biggest cheerleader (hello, word-of-mouth marketing!)

Why is creating an Ideal Client profile so important?

If defining your Ideal Client just feels like another task to add to your ever-growing business list, let me explain why it’s so crucial to get clear on it.

It will save you time:

Getting clear on who you are trying to attract to your business means that your marketing efforts won’t be in vain. You won’t be wasting your time on enquiries from unsuitable prospects (or nobody at all) because you’ll be making it crystal clear who your business is for, and who it isn’t. 

It will increase your revenue:

If you’re attracting those dreamy customers who are perfect for what you are offering, they’re much more likely to become repeat customers if you have a product-based business, or book higher value packages if you’re a service-based business. And the best thing is, they’ll be happy to pay your prices because they need and value what you’re serving up. 

It will give you focus:

Knowing exactly who you’re talking to and understanding their pain points, desires and values means that your content and messaging will come more naturally to you because you’ll always have your Ideal Client front of mind. When you are clear on who you’re talking to, you know what they want to see and hear - you'll also be able to ‘hang out’ in the places they are hanging out - no point being on Instagram if your Ideal Client doesn’t really use it! 

It will bring you JOY:

As a business owner, you work really hard. By identifying and attracting clients and customers who are perfect for you will make your job so much more of a pleasure. And why, oh why, do we go through the hard work of running our own businesses if not for that joy?!

But niching scares me…

I have consulted for a lot of small businesses and so many of the owners have said to me ‘But Tamsin, I’m scared if I have a niche that I won’t get any customers!’. I get it. But the absolute truth is that if you are trying to speak and appeal to everyone, you will resonate with no one - your wonderful business offering will get lost in the noise. The thought of niching down to one type of customer can feel scary but in fact, having a very specific customer profile will actually amplify your messaging and get your products or services noticed by the right people as well as giving you clarity and purpose in all your business decisions.

What do I need to know about my Ideal Client?

Here are some ideas to consider when thinking about your ideal customer to identify what motivates and resonates with them. 

The basics (demographics):

  • Their age, gender, personality, income, personality etc.

  • What other brands do they love?

  • What printed publications/blogs do they read?

  • Where do they hang out online?

Next, go a little deeper - the psychographics:

  • (people will resonate with a brand over shared values so this is important!)

  • What do they value most?

  • What are their core beliefs?

  • What do they care about most? Is it making lots of money? Creating a beautiful home? Spending quality time with their family? 

Their challenges, needs and desires:

  • What problems or challenges does your customer face (loosely related to your business)

  • How would they feel if this problem or challenge were solved?

  • How could your product or service change their life and make them feel?

  • What are their aspirations or desires? How could your product or service help with this?

  • What are the barriers they face in relation to their goals?

  • What might stop them buying or booking with you? How can you ensure they feel confident spending their money with you?

Try this exercise:

Fill in the blanks with your Ideal Client in mind, it’s a great way to gain clarity and creates invaluable copy that you can use in your communications, marketing and copy. 

  • ○  ‘I wish I didn’t have to __________________________________________________________________’

    ○  ‘My life would be easier if _______________________________________________________________’

    ○  ‘I really need to ___________________________________ but _________________________________’

What is your solution?

  •  ○ ‘My life is so much better with ____________________________________________________________’

    ○  ‘I finally feel ____________________________________________________________________________’

    ○  ‘I’m so happy I found _____________________________________________________________________’

How do I find all this information?

  • Guesswork - If your business is new then there will be plenty of guesswork involved. Create a profile which describes the client you would love to have. Remember, your Ideal Client can be fluid along your business journey and you may re-assess down the line. 

  • Look at and interview existing customers - the bonus here is that you can use their language right back at them in your marketing!

  • Delve into your analytics - look at Google Analytics, your website analytics, your social media analytics - what has been popular and who is it popular with?

  • If you have reviews, look through those to find key messages and themes, demographics, problems and desires.

Create a full Ideal Client profile

To go beyond just a general overview of your Ideal Client, I always suggest creating a full and detailed profile - if you’re a visual thinker, create a visual moodboard too. You can then pin it up in your workspace so it’s always front of mind when you’re developing ideas, content and future planning. 

Making your brand irresistible

Having a super clear understanding of your Ideal Client is one of the most important foundations for your business, so it’s very worth the effort. With this client in mind, you can create magnetic branding to tell your story, an online home which resonates with them and copy that speaks directly to them - all these elements combine to create an irresistible offer that they simply have to say ‘YES’ to!

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