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Hiring a Website Designer Doesn’t Need to Be Scary: How to Get a New Online Home with Confidence

Hiring a website designer can be an intimidating prospect for many entrepreneurs -  the process can seem scary and full of technical jargon, cost concerns and worries about ongoing website maintenance.

Maybe you’ve tried to DIY your own website design or perhaps the thought of designing a website sends you into shivers -  It's natural to feel a little apprehensive about the task. BUT, I know the power of having a beautiful and functional online home and I’d love to reassure you and help you navigate the website design process with confidence and excitement! 

Website design phobias

The "scary" part of hiring a website designer often stems from three main concerns:

  • The technical jargon: It can feel like you've stumbled into the technical abyss with terms like HTML, CSS and SEO. It's natural to feel overwhelmed when confronted with this new language!

  • The cost: The idea of investing in a professional website can be daunting. Worries about the price tag can feel overwhelming but it's crucial to understand that a well-designed website is an investment in your business's growth.

  • The upkeep: Once your website is up and running, you need to keep it fresh and engaging and for some, the thought of maintaining a website can feel really intimidating.  

However, the right designer will help you decode the jargon and translate it in a way that you can fully understand. They’ll be able to reassure you as to the return on investment your new website will add to your business and give you guidance and support with the upkeep of your website once the design process has ended.

The importance of a (good) website 

The very fact that you’re here and you’re reading this blog post means you don’t need a lecture on the importance of having a great website! You understand that a website that’s working hard to drive traffic, sales and bookings in the background is invaluable and leaves your time free to do what you’re best at. Your website is more than just a collection of webpages; it's your brand's online home, its shop window and it’s crucial to build a strong brand presence and reach your target audience. 

The four things you need to begin your website design project:

  • A clear brand vision - if you understand and articulate your brand inside and out you are halfway there. Your website designer needs to know what you do, understand your products or services, your target customer and your brand vision because these things will serve as the foundation on which your website will be built. Download my free Brand Clarity Workbook which guides you through all these things.

  • An idea of the content and functionality you need your website to have. This can be the pages you need for your business such as ‘Services’ or ‘About Us’ and any specific capabilities you require such as a call scheduling tool which syncs with your calendar, e-commerce functionality, a bookings system or a blog. 

  • 3-4 websites that you like, and the reasons why. Is it the clean layout? The way the images are formatted? The fancy animation?! They don’t necessarily have to be in your niche or industry but this exercise helps your website designer get a clearer picture of what you need. 

  • You have (or can provide) the copy and high quality brand /product photography. A note here that a good website designer will design the site around your copy, not the other way around - content is the lifeblood of your website!

What to look for in a Website designer:

  • A clear contract which includes the full scope of your project (what is and isn’t included),  any specific terms and conditions and pricing so you’re not surprised with any hidden fees (🙋🏻‍♀️ I do this with a simple, no-nonsense agreement )

  • Someone who will take the time to understand your brand, your industry and your requirements before starting the design process (🙋🏻‍♀️I do this with a deep-dive questionnaire and a discovery call to ensure we’re on the same page)

  • A designer who has a clear process so you always know where you are and what is expected of you both and when.  (🙋🏻‍♀️I do this with a lovely client portal that houses everything we need in one handy space)

  • Someone who offers a thorough handover to your new online home and the server side of your website leaving you confident to update the site as and when you need to - (🙋🏻‍♀️I do this with a full handover training and personalised Squarespace guide)

  • A designer with good credentials - it goes without saying that you should work with someone who has proficiency in the skill they are offering.  (🙋🏻‍♀️I’m a Squarespace Circle Member which means that I have proven experience using the platform and I get early access to new features)

  • Finally, hire a website designer that is someone you feel comfortable with and a person you’d want as an extension of your team, because effectively that’s what they are! (🙋🏻‍♀️You can book a discovery call with me here to see if this could be me!)

So, when the time is right for you to be investing in a new online home, I hope I’ve reassured you a little bit that hiring a website designer isn't something to dread. With the right designer, you can create a powerful online presence where your brand's essence comes to life and make YOUR version of success, a reality!

Love, Tamsin x


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